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DIY 19x

COMING SOON and HEAR NOW: the refined GST-9 mod1 officially launched on 11/12.  With that announcement came the news that shipping times are now down to 5 DAYS or less, not months.

Stay tuned to Pew-Tang Clan on YouTube for a brand new comparison video detailing the enhancements the mod1 brings vs the original.

If you can't wait, click this big photo of the original to order your mod1 today.


Revelation RMR Kit


GST-9 mod1


Judah 19 Kit SALE

PewTang Clan

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

SOME of the partner sites i have linked pay me a commission when someone uses my link.  Some of these cats only offer a discount to my family.  I buy and use stuff from every single one of them, and trust them, and I'd never steer you wrong.  Thanks for stopping by, and PLEASE stay safe, stay ready, and have fun!


pewtang clan glock and p320

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