PewTang Clan
Magazine Compatibility
Yellow highlight indicates 10-round restriction compliant
Vertical columns are ALL same length/frame size compatible
contact with any questions
Polymer 80 and Glock 9mm
OEM 17-rd 9mm
Magpul 17-rd 9mm
OEM 10-rd 9mm
Magpul 10-rd 9mm
ETS 17-rd 9mm
ETS 10-rd 9mm
OEM 15-rd 9mm
Magpul 15-rd 9mm
OEM 10-rd 9mm
Magpul 10-rd 9mm
ETS 15-rd 9mm
ETS 10-rd 9mm
OEM 12-rd 9mm
Magpul 12-rd 9mm
OEM 10-rd 9mm
X-grip Full Size adapter - $16
X-grip Compact adapter - $16
ETS 10-rd 9mm
40 S&W Magazines
OEM 15-rd 40s&w
50-rd Drum 40s&w
OEM 10-rd 40s&w
ETS 30-rd 40s&w
ETS 13-rd 40s&w
OEM 13-rd 40s&w
OEM 10-rd 40s&w
ETS 9-rd 40s&w
OEM 10-rd 40s&w
OEM 9-rd 40s&w
X-grip Compact adapter - $16
9mm Extendo and Value-packs
OEM 33-rd 9mm
ETS 31-rd 9mm
Magpul 10-pack 21-rd
KCI 50-rd 9mm
Magpul 10-pack 17-rd
ETS 22-rd 9mm
USPSA - $17
Magpul 21-rd 9mm
USPSA - $17
Magpul 10-pack 15-rd

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
SOME of the partner sites i have linked pay me a commission when someone uses my link. Some of these cats only offer a discount to my family. I buy and use stuff from every single one of them, and trust them, and I'd never steer you wrong. Thanks for stopping by, and PLEASE stay safe, stay ready, and have fun!