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As of November 2022, YouTube has de-platformed ya boy, and is currently targeting all printing or building of arms content.

How-to content remains available, as always, via the video guides on our build pages here.

Check the links above for places that are NOT YouTube to get great files and videos, and a button to Bob's current YT account.

NEW : We are proud to partner with TrueShot for your ammunition needs. They aren't always the lowest, but they have consistently had stock at below-average prices and they deliver.


DD19.2 3D Print Parts

pewtang clan glock and p320 Pittsburgh, PA

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

SOME of the partner sites i have linked pay me a commission when someone uses my link.  Some of these cats only offer a discount to my family.  I buy and use stuff from every single one of them, and trust them, and I'd never steer you wrong.  Thanks for stopping by, and PLEASE stay safe, stay ready, and have fun!


pewtang clan glock and p320

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